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Club Open Thursday Nights at 6:00 PM

Club Phone  234-425-8011

League Shooting: We have trap league shooting all year long






Mapleton Gun Club News


Everyone should have received their membership renewal letter by now.  If not the reason could be have you moved since last renewing? Lost in the mail ( it could happens ) or perhaps we have screwed up and lost your address ( nah that couldn’t  happen ) .  But you can still renew by printing off the membership form from the website filling it out and mailing to our post office box or by showing up on Thursday Night at the club.

There is one change everyone should be made aware of concerning our scheduling of ATA Trapshooting Events.  We are going to have them on Saturday this year starting in March.  Why the change?  We’re hoping to avoid scheduling conflicts with other ATA shooting clubs in the area.   This should increase attendance and make the club more profitable in this area. Shoots will start at 9:00 AM and probably end by early afternoon 3:00 PM but that is a guess.  No use of the rifle or pistol range will be permitted due to insurance regulations no exceptions.  When the shoot is finished the pistol and rifle range will be open again.  Shoots currently scheduled for March 26 2022, April 2nd 2022 and April 16th 2022.   More shoots will be scheduled for the year later.

We have shells available for purchase at the club 12ga Federals at $9.00 a box not a great price but better than some prices we have seen.  Have you tried trapshooting yet it’s a great sport and we welcome beginners.  A lot of members will help you get started with instructions and there is no pressure other than safe handling of firearms.

Trapshooting continues all year long except for the worst weather conditions ice, lots of snow, or extreme cold.  We might still show up and drink coffee and solve all of the world problems but old men have to be careful shoving snow. 

Please if your using the rifle range on the west side remember to set you targets pass the trap house.  When the ground freezes certain calibers do jump up or ricochet and hit the trap house.

We need more involvement as some of our most dedicated workers have really bad health issues that have developed that prevent them from doing physical work.  We especially need some volunteers to take care of the pistol and rifle range.   We found that the hog panels were using are one of the better ideas for hanging targets durable and easily replaced.   We will furnish the materials but we need some help keeping up with replacing them. 

Thank you

Mapleton Gun Club

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